Our production - Friends & Partner

    Our aim is to produce our collections very consciously. We want to fulfil our responsibility towards people, the environment and the climate and select our production partners very carefully.

    We have long-term, sometimes decades-long, trusting partnerships with our production partners on an equal level. We attach great importance to having our products manufactured in a humane manner in compliance with binding social standards. Fair and safe working conditions are essential for us. We have drawn up the ‘Business Partner Declaration on Sustainability’ for cooperation with our production partners. This covers the values and basic principles of monari GmbH. These include the most important international guidelines and agreements on human rights, labour protection and fairness within the supply chain as well as animal welfare and material and chemical management. To emphasise our commitment, we are also a member of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). This requires compliance with social and environmental standards throughout the entire manufacturing process of a product. Currently, around 95 % of our production partners have undergone a social audit by the BSCI or a comparable independent organisation. We are in active dialogue with the remaining 5 %.

    19 suppliers from 5 countries manufacture our monari collections with passion. The most important production facilities are located in Turkey (80 %), as well as Italy, North Macedonia, China and India.