
    Sustainability is a multi-layered concept and implies strong action, conscious decisions and, last but not least, an inner attitude and social mindset. As a company, we see it as our duty to act sustainably, thereby assuming social responsibility and setting an example.

    We want to act sustainably in order to make our planet and our future a better place, and to treat it with respect.

    For us, sustainability is a continuous process - a long journey made up of many small steps. Our aim is to provide our customers, employees, suppliers and the following generations with an ecologically and socially flawless yet economically viable range of products and services. Responsible production, the conservation of natural resources and acting with entrepreneurial care are key elements of our corporate strategy and are firmly anchored in our operational areas. In order to achieve this strategy and the associated goals, we work intensively on our processes, initiate innovations, reprioritise and take appropriate action.

    We are not perfect, but we are working on it - step by step!

    Head office

    Our head office is the base of monari and is home to all departments. From product development to sales, marketing and logistics  at monari, everything is in one place.

    Even at the planning stage, the future was considered, and the building was constructed according to the low-energy construction method (KFW55). Materials such as concrete, wood and stone surrounded by lawns, trees and a pond define the atmosphere of the building and create a clear and pleasant working environment.

    Work-love Balance

    From the creation to the staging of our collection as well as in shaping the future of our brand, every single employee is involved with a lot of energy, heart & know-how. Flexible working hours, modern workplace conditions, hybrid working and various benefits create an ideal basis for an ‘I love my job’ mindset.

    Our employees, their development and the promotion of young talent are very important to us. Because only by working together as a team and across generations, we can set a sustainable course for our future.


    Sustainable mobility includes various measures to reduce CO2 emissions. Here, we are taking a step towards the future, too. Firstly, the majority of our company car fleet has already been converted to e-mobility. We obtain 100 % of the electricity required for this from our own photovoltaic systems. We are also promoting the job bike and enabling hybrid working to reduce travel times. When it comes to business trips, we rely on environmentally friendly routes and online-meetings.

    Work-love Balance

    From the creation to the staging of our collection as well as in shaping the future of our brand, every single employee is involved with a lot of energy, heart & know-how. Flexible working hours, modern workplace conditions, hybrid working and various benefits create an ideal basis for an ‘I love my job’ mindset.

    Our employees, their development and the promotion of young talent are very important to us. Because only by working together as a team and across generations, we can set a sustainable course for our future.


    Sustainable mobility includes various measures to reduce CO2 emissions. Here, we are taking a step towards the future, too. Firstly, the majority of our company car fleet has already been converted to e-mobility. We obtain 100 % of the electricity required for this from our own photovoltaic systems. We are also promoting the job bike and enabling hybrid working to reduce travel times. When it comes to business trips, we rely on environmentally friendly routes and online-meetings.


    We strive to minimise our CO2 footprint caused by the transport of monari products worldwide. In our logistics processes, we take appropriate measures to ensure that we ship our goods by ship, road or rail in order to use sustainable transportation routes.


    Parcels are sent every day in the fashion industry. As part of sustainability, packaging therefore also plays packaging also plays a major role. However, packaging is necessary to ensure that our products arrive clean and and undamaged when they reach our customers and retail partners. We rely on more sustainable materials, less plastic and optimised carton dimensions. Our onlineshop-cardboard packaging is already plastic-free, made from sustainable forestry and 100 % recycled material.

    We are also gradually switching from polybags, which we use to protect clothing when shipping to our retail partners, to environmentally friendly paper packaging.


    By integrating digital technologies, we have been able to optimize internal and external processes while and at the same time promote sustainable practices - in all areas of the company. We have replaced print media largely replaced by digital or sustainable alternatives. In addition, we are finding more and more solutions to make our day-to-day work paperless. By converting our showrooms to a hybrid model hybrid model, we have the opportunity to make our collection a 100% virtual experience. Face-to-face appointments during the order phase are no longer a must. Positive side effect - minimization of business trips. With our specially developed monari business app, we want to support our retail partners on the sales floor by by providing sales-relevant information quickly and smartly.


    By integrating digital technologies, we have been able to optimize internal and external processes while and at the same time promote sustainable practices - in all areas of the company. We have replaced print media largely replaced by digital or sustainable alternatives. In addition, we are finding more and more solutions to make our day-to-day work paperless. By converting our showrooms to a hybrid model hybrid model, we have the opportunity to make our collection a 100% virtual experience. Face-to-face appointments during the order phase are no longer a must. Positive side effect - minimization of business trips. With our specially developed monari business app, we want to support our retail partners on the sales floor by by providing sales-relevant information quickly and smartly.