
    The Bernhard Bosch Foundation for disadvantaged children and young people was set up by Renate Bosch in 1996. Since then, she has worked closely with her granddaughter Alexandra Bosch and the Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene Postel on every single project with a pioneering spirit. Especially in countries threatened by poverty, crisis areas and hotspots, many young people are often denied the chance of an education. This is precisely where the Bernhard Bosch Foundation comes in. The two fashion companies Engbers GmbH & Co. KG and monari GmbH, run by the children of the founder of the foundation (Engbers: Bernd Bosch, monari: Anne Bosch), are aware of their social responsibility. Together with employees, customers and friends, they support various projects in East Africa, Romania and Germany with great commitment.


    Education is the key to a self-determined, dignified life. You too can help us to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. Whether you make a single donation or a regular payment - you can make a big difference even with small amounts.

    Many thanks from the Bernhard Bosch Foundation
    Please send a standing order or bank transfer to:

    Bernhard Bosch Foundation

    Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus

    IBAN: DE 43 4016 4024 0181 8189 00


    The Bernhard Bosch Foundation is recognized by the Ahaus tax office as a charitable foundation particularly worthy of support under the tax number 301 000 204 15. You can also reach us personally at Telephone 02562/714.


    Education is the key to a self-determined, dignified life. You too can help us to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. Whether you make a single donation or a regular payment - you can make a big difference even with small amounts.

    Many thanks from the Bernhard Bosch Foundation
    Please send a standing order or bank transfer to:

    Bernhard Bosch Foundation

    Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus

    IBAN: DE 43 4016 4024 0181 8189 00


    The Bernhard Bosch Foundation is recognized by the Ahaus tax office as a charitable foundation particularly worthy of support under the tax number 301 000 204 15. You can also reach us personally at Telephone 02562/714.


    The Julia Postel Educational Centre in Metarica (Mozambique) now enables 550 children to attend school (pre-school and primary school). After completing primary school, the children have the opportunity to move to the ‘Casa Marta’ house. Here, in addition to school, they learn handicrafts, household chores, languages, IT, music and human and Christian education.

    Wow! On 18 August 2023, the Anne Frank School in Ahaus raised a record 44,444 euros for the Bernhard Bosch Foundation through a charity run. The goal of supporting the long-standing partner school Julia Postel in Metarica was thus fully achieved. The unbelievable donation amount is financing 2 warm meals a day for all needy schoolchildren for about 2 years.

    We say congratulations and thank you!


    The Julia Postel Educational Centre in Metarica (Mozambique) now enables 550 children to attend school (pre-school and primary school). After completing primary school, the children have the opportunity to move to the ‘Casa Marta’ house. Here, in addition to school, they learn handicrafts, household chores, languages, IT, music and human and Christian education.

    Wow! On 18 August 2023, the Anne Frank School in Ahaus raised a record 44,444 euros for the Bernhard Bosch Foundation through a charity run. The goal of supporting the long-standing partner school Julia Postel in Metarica was thus fully achieved. The unbelievable donation amount is financing 2 warm meals a day for all needy schoolchildren for about 2 years.

    We say congratulations and thank you!


    For doing a study or an apprenticeship, the young men and women can transfer from Metarica to Cuamba after completing the 10th grade. Here they live together with the sisters in a small dormitory financed by the foundation. At the same time, it is a novitiate house where young women from the region can find out about life in the religious community of the sisters of St Mary Magdalene Postel and can prepare for possible entry.


    For doing a study or an apprenticeship, the young men and women can transfer from Metarica to Cuamba after completing the 10th grade. Here they live together with the sisters in a small dormitory financed by the foundation. At the same time, it is a novitiate house where young women from the region can find out about life in the religious community of the sisters of St Mary Magdalene Postel and can prepare for possible entry.


    A girls' centre was opened here in 2014. In addition to literacy courses, young women are taught hygiene and health, IT, child education, caring for the elderly, handicrafts and environmental protection.


    Nampula is the next largest town in the Metarica area and is therefore an important location for larger purchases, visits to the authorities and doctors' appointments. That’s why an old house has been renovated here and now serves as a stopover for the sisters and novices who are attending internal training courses or studying in Nampula.


    In November 2022, our ‘Bernhard Bosch Daycare Centre - a special place of education’ celebrated its first anniversary. The children danced together, did handicrafts, played and had their faces painted. The daycare centre opened in the Manege building in summer 2021 to round off its support options. Because it is not uncommon for the young people who visit the Manege to already be parents themselves.


    In November 2022, our ‘Bernhard Bosch Daycare Centre - a special place of education’ celebrated its first anniversary. The children danced together, did handicrafts, played and had their faces painted. The daycare centre opened in the Manege building in summer 2021 to round off its support options. Because it is not uncommon for the young people who visit the Manege to already be parents themselves.


    True to the motto ‘Seize opportunities, create a future’, since 2018, with the support of the foundation, the Manege Berlin (Marzahn-Hellersdorf district) has been a contact point for young people who are facing a variety of problems and usually have little family support to rely on. The centre focuses on youth social work, youth vocational assistance and youth welfare and offers young people holistic help in all situations. Another Manege gGmbH centre was established in Berlin Reinickendorf in 2019. This centre also serves young people in emergency situations and makes it easier for them to start their (professional) lives.


    Suddenly everything is different. Where mourning is allowed and where you can be who you are. Sad, angry, funny or sometimes very quiet.


    Since 2018, we have been supporting the Sternenland e. V. association in Telgte (Germany). This is a centre for grieving children and young people who have lost a loved one through death. We are delighted that, with our support, a second children's bereavement group for under 6-year-olds can be offered. The loss of a loved one is a huge challenge for families and changes their lives abruptly. Trained specialists support and strengthen the children and young people through intensive conversations and dialogue with other people affected.


    Suddenly everything is different. Where mourning is allowed and where you can be who you are. Sad, angry, funny or sometimes very quiet.


    Since 2018, we have been supporting the Sternenland e. V. association in Telgte (Germany). This is a centre for grieving children and young people who have lost a loved one through death. We are delighted that, with our support, a second children's bereavement group for under 6-year-olds can be offered. The loss of a loved one is a huge challenge for families and changes their lives abruptly. Trained specialists support and strengthen the children and young people through intensive conversations and dialogue with other people affected.


    The institution ‘Healing Classrooms’ promotes the social and emotional skills of refugee children. With a donation, the Bernhard Bosch Foundation enables traumatised children to attend school and the associated educational measures to improve their self-confidence. An example: Little 4-year-old Nihad fled the Syrian war as a baby with his parents and siblings. He did not speak, did not express his feelings and isolated himself. Thanks to the pedagogical support from ‘Healing Classrooms’, Nihad is no longer so anxious and looks the other person in the eye. Although he still has difficulties with his pronunciation, he is working diligently with his teachers. We are delighted that he is slowly but surely finding his way back into life.


    In 2017, we supported the organisation ‘Bunter Kreis Münsterland e.V.’ with a donation for the deployment of an aftercare nurse. ‘Bunter Kreis Münsterland e.V.’ helps families with chronically and seriously ill children as well as premature and high-risk babies. Will our child survive? Will it be disabled? If so, to what extent? Will we be able to cope? What will our everyday life at home be like?

    Since 2000, the association has been accompanying and supporting affected families throughout the Münsterland region and is also on hand to answer these questions.


    In 2017, we supported the organisation ‘Bunter Kreis Münsterland e.V.’ with a donation for the deployment of an aftercare nurse. ‘Bunter Kreis Münsterland e.V.’ helps families with chronically and seriously ill children as well as premature and high-risk babies. Will our child survive? Will it be disabled? If so, to what extent? Will we be able to cope? What will our everyday life at home be like?

    Since 2000, the association has been accompanying and supporting affected families throughout the Münsterland region and is also on hand to answer these questions.


    Therapeutic riding is aimed at children from socially disadvantaged families. This fully funded project offers children the chance to practise this hobby. Not only do they get to share great experiences with friends and classmates, but they also learn how to interact responsibly with people and animals. At the same time, they find inner peace and gain more self-confidence.


    The Bernhard Bosch Foundation has been supporting the ‘Casa Bernhard Bosch’ orphanage in Schineni since 2000. Up to 16 orphans and children who cannot be adequately cared for by their parents find a loving home here. The sisters cook for the children, help them with their homework and in the afternoons, they do arts and crafts, paint, play, do sports or make music together. The children also receive psychological counselling and are thus strengthened for their future lives.


    The Bernhard Bosch Foundation has been supporting the ‘Casa Bernhard Bosch’ orphanage in Schineni since 2000. Up to 16 orphans and children who cannot be adequately cared for by their parents find a loving home here. The sisters cook for the children, help them with their homework and in the afternoons, they do arts and crafts, paint, play, do sports or make music together. The children also receive psychological counselling and are thus strengthened for their future lives.